Kilsaran KPRO Masonry and Façade mortars are designed mortars, manufactured in accordance with I.S. EN 998-2:2016 and I.S. EN 998-1:2016 respectively. When using these materials in adverse weather conditions and temperatures there are a number of matters to note.
When working with rendering mortars in adverse weather conditions the temperature and condition of the background need to be assessed. The background should be reasonably dry, free from frost, with a temperature of greater than +5°C at the time of rendering.
Work should only be carried out when the background surface and air close to the wall are at a temperature of +5°C or above. Work should be suspended during inclement weather or periods of frost. If the temperatures are due to fall below +5°C before the rendering mortar hardens (e.g. overnight) then work may need to be suspended earlier. Antifreeze admixtures, particularly calcium chloride, should not be used. Newly rendered surfaces must be protected from excessive drying caused by strong sunlight or prevailing winds.