Kilsaran Grolime is an agricultural land lime that is produced in Ireland and manufactured from 100% Irish limestone. The spreading of agricultural land lime is a vital process in soil nutrient management for pasture maintenance. Kilsaran Grolime is manufactured at a number of locations and produced in a Quality assured environment, ensuring its consistently superior quality. Kilsaran Grolime meets the requirements of the Department of Agriculture lime specifications.
Product Application/Uses
Regulating the acidity that naturally occurs in the soil from rainfall.
Regulating the soil pH improves the uptake of nutrients to grassland and assists with the availability of trace elements in the soil.
Providing calcium, magnesium and other essential minerals for healthy bone development and for the production of liquid milk.
Spreading Grolime counteracts the acidifying effect of the decaying matter when slurry/farmyard manure is applied to land.
Spreading Grolime conditions the soil by improving the pH and encouraging the natural breakdown of organic matter, improving plant root depths and grass yields.
Spreading Grolime is necessary for improving yields in cereal crops and beet, as pH is especially important in these crops.
Spreading Grolime improves grass quality, palatability and directivity, improving grass swards and live weight gain.
When reseeding the spreading of Grolime is necessary to neutralise the effects of old decaying pasture and assisting in soil crumb formation. This offers the seed optimum soil conditions for germination and growth.
Kilsaran Grolime is 100% Irish limestone, manufactured and produced in Ireland.
100% biodegradable and non-polluting.
Produced in licenced quarries.
Regulates soil pH and improves nutrient availability to plants giving more efficient fertilizer application.
Increases the nutrient uptake in the soil.
Maximises the use of farmyard manure/slurry by balancing the pH with the decaying matter, reducing the requirement for other fertilizer sources.