Grafton Street Kilsaran Dry Products

Grafton Street, Dublin 2

Kilsaran Products Featured:

High Strength Bedding Concrete (HSBC) / Priming Slurry / Rapid Set Jointing Mortar / Bedding Mortar / 3:1 Sand & Cement
Dublin City Council
The street is 360m long with a carriageway 6.5m wide and footways ranging from 2.5m to 4.5m wide. Grafton Street will be repaved in natural stone granite, a traditional Dublin material. The central carriageway will be in an Iberian granite silver grey with a bluish hue. The pathways on either side will be in Irish Leinster granite mottled grey brown. At the intersections with the side streets there will be a square panel of Iberian granite light pink with a darker border. Kilsaran are supplying a range of Independently tested Streetscape BS 7533 compliant materials including; bedding course, jointing and priming mortars to, KN Networks who are managing the improvement of Grafton Street, Dublin. The hardscaping element of the upgrade with corresponding carriageway and pathways totals 5000 m2 of granite paving. 
Grafton Street Kilsaran Dry Products

With an annual footfall of more than 30 million, Grafton Street plays a key role in attracting shoppers and visitors to the city centre. The colour palette used will be similar to that used in the O’Connell Street and Henry Street repaving schemes. This will help create a noticeable ‘civic spine’ between Parnell Square and Saint Stephens Green. The carriageway granite is laid on a 50mm compacted bed of BS7533 Compliant Kilsaran Streetscape High Strength Bedding Concrete (HSBC). Kilsaran Priming Slurry is used on the Granite units to achieve the strict adhesion requirements as set out in BS7533 Parts 7&12. The 10mm Wide Joints are filled with Kilsaran Rapid Set Jointing Mortar. The footway’s which will not receive commercial traffic are laid on a mortar bed of Kilsaran 3:1 Sand&Cement at 30mm compacted depth.The Joints are also filled with Kilsaran Rapid Set Jointing Mortar. There are two electrical powered Silo’s located nearby with Storage of up to 33 tonnes of the HSBC and 3:1 Sand&Cement in each. A small teleporter is used to transport the bedding materials to site on demand which cuts down on site mixing and reducing therefore dust and noise pollution. 

Grafton Street Kilsaran Dry Products
Grafton Street Kilsaran Dry Products
Grafton Street Kilsaran Dry Products

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